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Weekly Sessions

Only £5 a session pay as you go no tie in!!!! To attend a weekly session complete the form below and just bring them along no need to wait for a reply.


The weekly session program is the first step for your child in their  football journey in a fun and relaxed environment. The weekly sessions will then lead to your child progressing to play for one of our local junior football clubs (Boro Rangers FC / Riverside Juniors FC and Prissick Rovers FC) as they build their confidence and understanding of the game.


Please scroll down for list of weekly sessions
and Enrolment form


£5 a session - Pay as you go

Sessions are indoors so children need trainers and indoor sportswear


Parents are to remain with children throughout session 


Please check Facebook and website for regular updates on start dates of new sessions we will add throughout the year

Nursery Sessions


5.30pm to 6.15pm

Nunthorpe Academy


4.45pm to 5.30pm

Middlesbrough Sports Village


5.30 to 6.15

Redcar College


4.15 to 5.00

Ingleby Barwick Community Hall


9.45am to 10.30am

MFC Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston


9.00am to 9.45am

Elm Tree Community Centre, Stockton

(Stockton sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


4.30 to 5.15

Thornaby Pavillion

(Thornaby sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


9.45am to 10.30am

Middlesbrough Sports Village

Reception Sessions


5.30pm to 6.15pm

Nunthorpe Academy


4.45pm to 5.30pm

Middlesbrough Sports Village


5.30 to 6.15

Redcar College


4.30 to 5.15

Thornaby Pavillion

(Thornaby sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


5.00pm to 5.45pm

Ingleby Barwick Community Hall


9.45am to 10.30am

MFC Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston


9.00am to 9.45am

Elm Tree Community Centre, Stockton


10.30am to 11.15am

Middlesbrough Sports Village

Year 1 Sessions


6.15pm to 7.00pm

Nunthorpe Academy


5.30pm to 6.15pm

Middlesbrough Sports Village


6.15pm to 7.00pm

Redcar College


5.15pm to 6.00pm

Thornaby Pavillion

(Thornaby sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


5.00pm to 5.45pm

Ingleby Barwick Community Hall


9.45am to 10.30am

MFC Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston


9.45pm to 10.30pm

Elm Tree Community Centre, Stockton

(Stockton sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


10.30am to 11.15am

Middlesbrough Sports Village

Year 2 Sessions



6.15pm to 7.00pm

Nunthorpe Academy


6.15pm to 7.00pm

 Middlesbrough Sports Village


6.15pm to 7.00pm

Redcar College


5.15pm to 6.00pm

Thornaby Pavillion

(Thornaby sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


9.45am to 10.30am

MFC Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston


10.30am to 11.15am

Elm Tree Community Centre, Stockton

(Stockton sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)

Year 3 Sessions


6.15pm to 7.00pm

 Middlesbrough Sports Village


6.15pm to 7.00pm

Redcar College


5.15pm to 6.00pm

Thornaby Pavillion

(Thornaby sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)


9.45am to 10.30am

MFC Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston,


10.30am to 11.15am

Elm Tree Community Centre, Stockton

(Stockton sessions are run by our partner Soccer School - J Poole Sports)

Year 4  Sessions


6.00pm to 7.00pm

Middlesbrough FC, Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston, TS6 9AE

Year 5 and Year 6 Sessions


7.00pm to 8.00pm

Middlesbrough FC Hurlinshaw Centre, Eston, TS6 9AE

Year 7 and 8 age sessions


7.00pm to 8.00pm

Acorn Sports Centre, Acklam

Girls Only Sessions

Reception / Year 1

Mondays 4.30 to 5.15 - Mbro Sports Village

Year 2 and Year3 

Mondays - 5.15 to 6.00 - Mbro Sports Village

Year 4, Y5, Y6

Thursdays - 7.00 to 8.00 - MFC Hurlinshaw Centre, TS6 9AE

Girls can also enrol in a mixed boys and girls session listed above if they cant make the Girls Only Groups

Girls in teams or girls wanting to progress in teams can attend Girls First Academy outdoors at Middlesbrough Sports Village who come highly recommended from ourselves.


To enquire about Girls First Academy please visit their Facebook page


Goalkeeper Sessions

Jon Collinson Goal Keeper Academy come highly recommended by ourselves 

Jon is one of the head GK coaches at Middlesbrough Football Clubs Academy with a proven track record of developing GKs in this area

He delivers sessions at Trinity College in Middlesbrough


To Book and for more info on Jons Sessions please contact Jon directly on 07824534650

Advanced Sessions

All sessions listed above are for children just starting out in football and wanting to get in a team.


If your child is already in a team and looking for a new team or maybe some extra training on top of their current team please inbox us on our facebook page and we will call you discuss best options as we have sessions for all levels from Pro / Academy players to players who have just started out in teams in lower divisions

Enrol your child on a session

To enrol your child on a session you must complete the form below


Please note the form will go blank once you submit it but your details will of sent

Please ensure you leave a mobile number in the box below!


Please note that parents must remain with children throughout the session and not leave them unattended as they will need to be at hand for toilet breaks, injuries, shoe laces etc throughout

Once you submit form your child can start immediately and will not need any confirmation before starting just bring them along . 

Session enrolment form

Childs name*

Mobile number (Essential!!)*

Email Address (Essential!!)

School child attends*

Year group they are in at school from September 2024

Date of Birth*

Any health problems we should know about*

If yes please provide details

Are you ok for your child to have photos taken for publicity puposes*

Day / Time / Venue of session you wish to enrol them on

(Please see list above and list the DAY first in text box followed by time and venue)*

Are you ok to receive texts regarding updates / additions to our sessions / Teams recruiting players*

Were did you hear about Boro Soccer Schools

Once you click submit below all fields will turn blank but your info will of sent ok 

Thanks for Enrolling.

Your info has been received and

your child can start IMEDIATELY.

Venue details

Eston / Normanby

MFC Hurlinshaw Centre - TS6 9AE


Nunthorpe Academy

Acklam - Middlesbrough

Acorn Sports Centre, TS5 8QB 


Redcar College


Middlesbrough Sports Village - TS4 3SA

Ingleby Barwick

Ingleby Community Centre 


SRC Sports Centre - TS23 3EP


Thornaby Pavillion,TS17 9EW  


Elm Tree Commuinty Centre, 


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