School Holiday
Soccer Camps
Boro Soccer Schools Holiday Camps are a fantastic way to keep your children active and entertained during school holidays in a fun, safe and welcoming environment. All coaches delivering on the camps are DBS Cleared and FA qualified with plenty of experience of soccer camp delivery.

Next Camps
FEB Half Term
Tues 25th / Wed 26th / Thurs 27th February
Drop off is at 10am
Pick up is at 3pm
Cost per Camp
3 days = £45 (£15 a day)
2 days = £35 (£17.50 a day)
1 day = £20
This is to be paid in cash at the sign in desk on the first day your child attends
Reception to Year 7
The Daily Programme
10am until 12pm - Training and drills
12pm until 1pm - Lunch and fun games
1pm until 3pm - Competitions / Tournaments
Requirements for on the camp
Children will need indoor and outdoor sportswear, trainers, packed lunches, plenty to drink and sun screen on hot days plus any required medication.
Medication should be clearly labelled with child's name and place at the sign in desk when registering each morning
Middlesbrough Sports Village*
(*Camps may get split over 2 sites in poor weather with
younger groups moving to Acorn Sports Centre)

How to book a place
To book your child on a camp please complete the form below
Once you submit the form you will have a confirmed place and will NOT require a confirmation text / email off BSS. Payment will be made in cash on your child's first day.
BSS will only contact you if their is any changes / cancellations to the camp